Adult Formation

The Church teaches that an adult Catholic faith is characterized by three things: (1) Encounter: experiencing an ongoing conversion to Jesus; (2) Growth: being an active member in our Christian community; and (3) Being Sent: living as disciples in mission to the world. We are blessed at St. John Neumann with formal programs (listed below) that encourage these Christian goals. In reality, we encounter Christ, we grow in Christ, and we are sent by Christ in a myriad of ways. In the end, as Christian adults, we must keep our hearts open and be courageous. Christ calls us to orient our entire selves to him! Christ calls us to metanoia—a radical change of heart!

Contact Information
Brent Smith
Director of Adult Formation & Evangelization
630-377-2797 ext 113

Documents for the Doctrine of the Faith

The Vatican Press regularly publishes essays on matters of faith and morals.  Declaration “Dignitas Infinita” on Human Dignity” (2 April 2024). Read the document here.

Looking Ahead to the Weekend

Wednesday mornings, join this ongoing study on the Scripture readings heard proclaimed at Mass the upcoming weekend.  Meetings are ongoing and require no preparation.  Bibles & Sunday Missals are provided. Read more

Tuesday Evening Bible Study

A seasonal, comprehensive look at the books and themes of the Bible. Men and women alike are welcome to participate and can expect to gain knowledge, understanding, and a lasting appreciation for the Sacred Scriptures.

Wednesday Morning Men's Group

A weekly men’s gathering with an ongoing book discussion.  For those interested in discussing the personal, practical and spiritual aspects of daily faith-filled living.

Fox Valley Catholic Bible Study for Women

Fox Valley Catholic Bible Study for Women offers a structured, Catholic daytime Scripture study with a spiritually enriching program for preschool children. Study materials present biblical interpretation consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church. This study is intended to provide opportunities for a deepening faith and love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Participants are encouraged to recognize and strengthen the Body of Christ within their home parishes. Our study provides a supportive, loving, spiritual environment, fostering and celebrating a sense of community within the larger church. All area women are invited to attend. This winter and spring, sessions are held in our parish’s Hermes Center and classrooms. Learn more and get registration information here.


That Man is You!  This in-person men’s fellowship is coming back to St. John Neumann September-May. The Light of Men, for abundant virtue, equips and enables men to confront the darkness of society and in one’s own life. You can preview the program with this video trailer: TMIY – The Light of Men.

Join us this Fall, beginning in September, for food, fellowship, and faith. Gatherings begin weekly at 6:45 am on Saturdays

Intercessory Prayer Team

This group prays for our parishioners and staff and for the success of our parish’s mission: to create missionary disciples of Christ. Email Brent Smith ( for more information.

Mental Health Ministry

Psychological conditions often hinder a person’s ability to flourish. The Holy Spirit is always present to console and encourage everyone to find support and healing. We periodically offer events for those who suffer and those who accompany, offerings for prayer, education, and mission. Read about upcoming programs here.

A Journey of Faith for Adults - O.C.I.A

OCIA: Order of Christian Initiation of Adults.

The OCIA is a process through which adults are fully initiated into the Catholic Church. These can be unbaptized persons, those who have been baptized in another faith tradition, those who have be baptized as Catholic but have not received either First Communion or Confirmation. Men and women may enter the program at any time throughout the year. Upon completion of the catechetical classes involved the Candidates will receive the sacraments at the Easter Vigil.

Contact Information

Brent Smith
Director of  Adult Formation & Evangelization
OCIA Coordinator
630-377-2797 ext 113

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