Because of our belief not only in the immortality of the soul, but also in the resurrection of the body, the Church professes hope in the face of death and acts with charity in the funeral rites. The Church provides a number of prayers for the faithful to offer both to accompany the dying of a loved one and to strengthen our faith upon their death. Through private prayer and public funeral rites, we strengthen our faith and hope, comfort those who mourn, and bury the bodily remains of the deceased with care befitting what was the Temple of the Holy Spirit. From the USCCB.ORG
Vigil Service
A Vigil (Wake) service is usually done on the evening prior to the funeral at the Funeral Home. It consists of prayer and reflection. If requested, a deacon may be available to preside.
Mass information
Presentation of the Gifts
The Church encourages family members or friends to bring to the altar the gifts of bread and wine for the Eucharistic Celebration. Two to four people may be chosen.
Music affects our feelings and the atmosphere in which we pray. In the spirit of Christian death, we recommend that you consider hymns and songs which are joyful. The Funeral Coordinator can help you with selections.
Scripture Readings
We have a list of popular scripture readings from which to choose. You may pick from the list or choose one reading from the Old Testament, one reading from the New Testament, and a Gospel reading. Family members and friends are encouraged to read your selections from the Old and New Testaments. Father will read the Gospel. The Prayers of the Faithful may also be read by family or friends. The Funeral Coordinator will help prepare those.
Rockford Diocese Norms for Speaking at Funerals
In the Diocese of Rockford, it is recommended that the Vigil (Wake) is the most appropriate time for members of the family and friends to share memories of the deceased or to pay tribute to the deceased through vocal remembrances, photographs, favorite songs, etc. At the cemetery or at the reception after the burial is another appropriate time for the remembrance. At the reception, there is less of an emotional burden and the context is looking toward the future in a more positive manner.
Live-streamed Funeral Mass Service
We can video/live-stream your funeral Mass. There is an extra fee to the Church, and a fee paid directly to the person who will be live-streaming. This service can be viewed live on our website for others, not in attendance. You will receive a flash drive after the service.
If you would like to display some memories, we are able to provide; 1 table for pictures and mementos, a microphone for talking points, and easels for posters in the Hermes Media Center.
The funeral director has a Prayer Service and is happy to preside at the gravesite.
If a Funeral Home is used: Church/Chapel: $100. Viewing: $100. Video: $50
If a Funeral Home is not used: Church/Chapel: $200. Viewing: $250. Video: $50
Music: Accompanist: $150; Cantor: $100; Videographer: $100