Peace & Social Justice

This ministry is rooted in the principles of Catholic Social Teachings. In light of the Gospel message of peace and social justice, we seek to enlighten and empower our community of faith. We are a vibrant group who are called to, PRAY, LEARN and ACT. Our gatherings start with prayer, reflection, discussion, discernment, and action. Topic include, but not be limited to the study of Pope Francis encyclical Fratelli Tutti- “building a better, more just, and peaceful world”, racism, immigration- how do we welcome the stranger, homelessness, and poverty in our community, and care for creation.

Pope Francis in a meeting at the Vatican in 2019 stated “do not be discouraged in (our) commitment to justice for the poor and the care of our common home. It will make it easier to enter into the dynamic of the Beatitudes- Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied”.  Prayerfully consider joining us and be an instrument of Our Lord in building His kingdom on earth.

We will post events/notifications periodically.

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