Mysteries of the Rosary
We live in a time of great crisis. So many in our world are tormented with desolation and despair. Yet the Gospel is exploding with joy! Joy is attractive, magnetic, contagious! Our world is desperately in need of a joyful Christian witness. Travel with Mark Hartfiel, VP of Paradisus Dei, along with several other speakers in the Holy Land, the campus of Franciscan University and more. The new evangelization will be marked by Christian joy!
“I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete” -John 15:11
Thursday evenings in the Hoffman Center, 6:45-8pm. Program begins November 2nd and concludes December 21st. There won’t be a meeting on November 23rd & 30th. Come for refreshments, fellowship, and powerful insights into the Joyful Mysteries! Enjoy footage from the Holy Land and find inspiration for the journey of faith. Men, women and young adults are welcome!
Please register below.